ICT in Education @PAY
PAY embraces a comprehensive digital learning programme. Our e-Learning program is available to any PAY learner in regards to their literacy, maths and sciences skills and students are encouraged to use Khan Academy as a platform to further increase their proficiency in these areas. Furthermore, PAY learners receive structured academic support using the Global Diploma e-Learning platform (separate report available on the PAY website). There are currently 10 learners at senior secondary phase enrolled in the Google math class who receive structured support in mathematics extended level. The tutoring via E-learning platform usually takes place once a week as well as on an ad-hoc basis. Learners are also encouraged to access the platforms in their own time or at home. The ABCS and Programming classes, further on referred to as CS classes, are on offer once a week on Saturdays from 9am to 14pm within the PAY Coding Academy.
E-Learning and G Suite for Education (Google Classroom)
In partnership with The Global Diploma logoThe Global Diploma (GD)
, a company based in Germany, P.A.Y. has been implementing an e-learning platform in our e-Lab in Katutura since 2013. In addition, as the implementing partner to GD in Namibia, PAY has undertaken to assist the Namibian education sector in creating a conducive and enabling education environment by bringing state-of-the-art e-learning hardware, software and content into Namibian secondary schools. Special emphasis was placed on simultaneous engagement of both learners and teachers so as to alleviate some of the structural challenges through an innovative use and integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education. The GD and PAY have geared its content development strategy toward supporting senior secondary education before extending the scope of its work to progressively include junior grades.
The P.A.Y. Coding Academy

<p class="big">PAY CODING ACADEMY is an initiative of Physically Active Youth (P.A.Y.) Namibia, a nonprofit organization based at the Katutura Multi-purpose Youth Centre in Windhoek, with the support of The Tech Guys, e leading tech innovations start-up.</p>
<p class="big">Our computer education is lagging far behind society’s needs. We took matters into our own hands by teaching to code, so as to empower ourselves and our fellow youth through digital literacy.</p>
Technology is advancing at such a rapid rate that there is a need to provide bridging modules to educate and share new ideas. The P.A.Y. Coding Academy focuses on technology and modern “digital era” skills which aspire towards and provide for a deeper understanding and interest in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) fields. During the academic year, we focus on working through content on a specific platform such as Codecademy. Experts with a passion for digital technology and interested in hosting a module are cordially-invited to contact us.
We aim to inspire the youth to take on interest in computer science and technology and to challenge their way of thinking. With the launch of the PAY coding team we are also expanding our modules to support the younger generation. P.A.Y. coding team uses problem-based and project-based learning as well as inquiry-based education in an inspiring and creative environment.
P.A.Y. Coding Academy nurtures enquiring minds and introduce coding, making and innovating modules empowering tomorrow's leaders with technology and skills required to sustainable empowered themselves, their families and their communities.