Love our logo and play with it
The basics of the P.A.Y. logo

The high resolution logo that must be used for all kind of applications can be downloaded here. We have provided logos in different sizes/resolutions in transparent PNG format. To ensure the logo resolution and quality are not degraded, these logos may not be enlarged beyond their native/maximum size. Package also contains vector EPS and SVG logos that may be enlarged beyond their native size if you need larger images.
The P.A.Y. logo consists of 5 colors: red, green, yellow and two variations of blue. Preferably, the logo is intended to be used on white backgrounds for maximum impact and clarity. There are some cases where 5-color logo could not be used properly. For example, if
The background color is too similar to one of the three basic logo colorsthe background color is too similar to one of the three basic logo colors
, the effect won't be as desired. Be sure to choose background colors or photos that provide sufficient contrast with the logo. For the cases where it is not possible, we have prepared few more versions that are available for use:

This fourth version titled "monochromatic print" is the best option for the cases where you know in advance that the document you are preparing is going to be printed on monochromatic printers.
Follow these guidelines when working with the P.A.Y. logo
Best practices
Below you can find a few examples of how you can use P.A.Y. logo variations on different backgrounds and photos.

1. Use the 5-color logo on white or light-colored backgrounds or photos.
Use the white on dark logo on dark backgrounds.
Use the monochromatic print version for printing documents on non-color printers.
Use one of these two logo versions: the white on dark or the white on color if the background color is too similar to one of the three basic color logos or on photos that provide sufficient contrast with the logo.
Use of the P.A.Y. logo
Copyright notice
This logo is protected by Namibian and international laws. Reproduction and distribution are allowed with a written permission of the author. Use of the logo to lay claims to identity of P.A.Y is strictly prohibited.
© Physically Active Youth Namibia 2003-2017.
To learn more about P.A.Y. three pillars, please follow the links below